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Take Note of This Change for Medicare Sales Calls

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Take Note of This Change for Medicare Sales Calls

As a Medicare beneficiary, you’re probably already aware that you can seek free guidance to help you choose a Medicare plan (or plans through a health insurance broker. Generally speaking, these consultations happen over the phone or in person at an office. If you participate in a call with a broker, you should know that new regulations require us to record the entire call for your protection.

A number of deceptive advertisements have aired on television lately, and so the new regulations seek to provide clarity to all persons enrolling in a Medicare plan.

When you first begin speaking with a broker, they are required to record the entire phone call. They must also issue the following disclaimer:

“We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

This disclaimer must be offered within the first minute of the phone call. If the communication is via email or online chat, it must be included in writing. And if you’re viewing a broker’s website, the disclaimer must be displayed on their website.

The disclaimer must also be included within any third-party marketing materials or television advertisements.

If you do not view or hear this disclaimer, you would be wise to exercise suspicion and caution when working with that particular agent. Failing to follow current regulations is a red flag with regard to potentially fraudulent activity. Never enroll in a Medicare plan without first speaking with a licensed agent who follows all regulations to the letter.

If you have questions about your Medicare plan(s), please call us during the Annual Election Period between October 15 and December 7. We can help you determine which plans are available in your area and guide you toward the one that best suits your healthcare priorities.

Bill Proctor & Associates Insurance Services, Inc. //

I am a local, licensed and trained independent insurance agent. I am certified with many top Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug and Medicare Supplement insurance plan carriers. I represent most major companies with a Medicare contract and am qualified to answer any questions you may have.

Get Free Assistance

Friendly, licensed professionals are available to answer all of your questions at no cost to you. Call (855) 568-5348 or complete the form below and we’d be happy to reach out to you.

      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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